Aug 20, 2012 skyrim dawnguard dlc mod royal bloodline vampire perk skyrim dawnguard dlc mod royal bloodline vampire perk skyrim dawnguard dlc mod royal bloodline vampire perk. Game the elder scrolls v: skyrim. I wanted to touch upon this little mod I just came across. It was just uploaded to the nexus mod page for Skyrim Special Edition. I wanted to touch upon the subject as to where there is a will. There will be a way. Its pretty neat to see people looking around the limitations for Skyrim SE.
Please follow all of these steps (for versions 7.5 and greater) if you have a problem or are upgrading from a previous version of my mod:
(don't worry, you'll never lose your progress)
1) Rest/wait INSIDE for 24hr in the game - this will allow any NPCs you have fed upon, or used Seduction on, time to recuperate.
2)Use my MCM - Troubleshooting and Cleanup page (or my customization power) and click on 'BLANK Better Vampires Mod'.
3) If using my MCM, exit it to have the mod blanked.
4)Wait until told the blanking is complete, then save your game (it must be a real save, not a quick save).
5) Exit the game.
6)Uninstall and delete the old version of my mod (completely DELETE it from the SkyrimData and SkyrimDataScripts folders). I use MO to remove mods, but you can check the files section and use my 'Remove Better Vampires' batch file - it will ENSURE everything is gone.
7)Download and install my latest mod version using NMM, MO, or Bethesda.net (for PC or XBox One).
8) Start the game and load your saved game from step 4.
9)Use my MCM - Troubleshooting and Cleanup page (or my customization power) and click on 'Reset Sanguinare Vampiris'.
10) Customize my mod with the MCM, customization power, or console commands.
11) You were infected in step 9, now you must wait 3 days for your disease to run its course and you will become a stage 1 Vampire (fully fed).
12)Make a new save after you turn into a vampire the first time (it must be a real save, not a quick save).
14)Use the Script Cleaner (or Skyrim Tools for SE) on the save from step 12 (to ensure the cleanest slate possible).
15)Start the game and load your cleaned saved game from step 14.
Load Order
Load order is important. My mod has to be in the correct load order. I highly recommend you use LOOT to sort your load order; it is quite easy to use. The load order in general should look like this:
Official DLCs
RaceCompatibility.esm (if you use it)
Unofficial Patches (if you use them)
RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp (only if you use the USKP)
SkyRE (or similar overhauls)
Custom Races
Texture Replacers (vampire eyes, skin colour, etc.)
Better Vampires.esp
Royal Bloodline.esp (only vampire mod that should be loaded after mine)
Also, please remember that the installation order is just as important as the load order! If you use NMM to install my mod it will overwrite the scripts of other mods that use the same files - HOWEVER, if you install my mod first, then remove some other mod that used the same scripts, NMM will replace the other mod's scripts with the vanilla Skyrim backups it had.

Save Game Script Cleaner
If something still isn't working for you, perhaps try this great tool for Old Skyrim:
Save Game Script Cleaner by Hadoram
If scripts have somehow become glitched or unresponsive, or maybe you installed a new version over an old version, this may help you. It is said to be quite effective at fixing script issues.
SE Fallrim Tools - Script Cleaner and more
If something still isn't working for you, perhaps try this great tool for Skyrim SE:

Royal Bloodline Mod
FallrimTools -- Script Cleaner and more by Mark FairchildIf scripts have somehow become glitched or unresponsive, or maybe you installed a new version over an old version, this may help you. It is said to be quite effective at fixing script issues.
'RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard'
Skyrim Bloodline Walkthrough
The 'RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard' mod should work well with my mod, but you have to follow TMPhoenix's directions ... My mod needs a clean save in between an old version and a new - he outlines a clear procedure how to do a clean save in conjunction with his mod.
'If you need to do a clean save for Better Vampires, you don't need to remove the RaceCompatibility mod, you NEED to make sure you re-install it WITHOUT the Better Vampires option. Then do your clean save, then re-install Better Vampires and then re-install RaceCompatibility mod WITH the Better Vampire option. Then you need to make sure NMM/LOOT has placed the mods in the correct load order.' - TMPhoenix
If you do not have Dawnguard or still need help, check with TMPhoenix for troubleshooting.
If you need to update my mod while using RaceCompatibility, Octoboy outlined these steps that worked perfectly for him:
Using the BV MCM -> Clear/Reset BV Mod
Using the BV MCM -> Reset Sanguinare Vampiris (curing vampirism)
Saving the game in a new slot
Exit Skyrim
Using the NMM -> Uninstall BV
Using the NMM -> Uninstall RC
Using the NMM -> Install RC WITHOUT BV
Load Skyrim Save from earlier.
Save in another, new slot (this makes your clean save)
Exit Skyrim
Using the NMM -> Uninstall RC
Using the NMM -> Install BV
Using the NMM -> Install RC with BV (overwriting the VampireQuest scripts from BV)
Using the NMM -> Arrange Load Order
Unofficial Patches
And at the bottom, after all other plugins, finally Better Vampires
Load most recent save
Using the BV MCM -> Reset Sanguinare Vampiris (to become infected)
Wait for 3 days (72 hours)