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Order a signed copy from Lemuria Books. For more information, call 601.366.7619. ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 9533 February 28th 2017 by Balzer + Bray Also available in the following terr. This is an interactive and culturally responsive novel study for Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give (The Hate You Give). The unit explores modern issues of police brutality, racism, and the justice system through high level analysis questions, writing prompts, and extension activities/articles. Name of eBook: The Hate U Give Author: Angie Thomas eBook genre: Fiction & Literature › Culture › Drama › Romance Books Available Download Formats: ePub, PDF, Mobi. The book «The Hate U Give» by Angie Thomas Review and Quotes: Angie Thomas created an absolutely amazing, stunning, riveting and resonating story that is a must-have for all those conscious readers who want to make this. The Hate U Give premiered at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival on September 7, 2018, 5 and was released in the United States on October 5, 2018. 6 The film received critical acclaim, with many praising Stenberg's performance, and grossed over $34 million against its $23 million budget.
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