- Modern Sidearms Mod
- Fallout 4 Modern Sidearms Pc
- Idlesheep Modern Sidearms
- Fallout 4 Modern Sidearms Download 1
- Fallout 4 Modern Weapons
Don’t pay for your vanity – download this Fallout 4 mod now and furnish yourself with more than 30 new hairstyles all based around the grace and utility of the ponytail. It has worked for some of the all-time badasses in modern history, from Sarah Connor to Chris Jericho. For Fallout 4 on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'PC Version of Modern Firearms Available on bethesda.net'. Jul 19, 2020 N99.45 - 30 Damage, -4 Capacity N99.44 - 40 Damage, -4 Capacity, -25% Fire-Rate N99.50-Auto - 50 Damage, -4 Capacity, -25% Fire-Rate (PWO) Magnum.44 - 48 Damage Magnum.45 - 34 Damage, +35% Fire-Rate Magnum.308 - 40 Damage, increased range Magnum.50 - 84 Damage, -33.33% Fire-Rate.

For Install use a mod manager like the Nexus mod manager, Vortex or another mod manager for Fallout 4.
If there are problems with the install, we recommend a manual installation. It’s simply the most reliable method of ensuring all the files wind up where they’re supposed to be. Use a mod manager if you like, but if it fails or you get unexpected results in-game, do it manually before reporting an issue.
For PC users we recommend the use of our scripts naturally, so before installing the mod please install MCM, found here: MCM on Nexus
The config page in MCM should be easily usable then. Adjust settings or assign hotkeys.
FO4 Hotkeys
If you don’t want F4SE, which is needed for MCM, you can also install FO4 Hotkeys, found here: FO4 Hotkeys on Nexus. It needs a bit more work to get configured properly, though.
To adjust things like damage multiplier and stagger, you might want to craft the Settings Holotape on the chem workbench.
There is an .exe file offered to install FO4 Hotkeys, but more than one of us has found that to fail, so a manual installation is perhaps best.
- Download the file
- Extract the file and copy the data folder into your Fallout 4 directory, merging it with the data folder already there, or simply extract it to your FO4 directory, again merging its contents with the existing folders.
- Make sure the plugin (esp) is activated in your game menu or mod manager.
To customize your new hotkey functions open hotkeys.ini
located in your data
folder with any text editor (notepad etc). In it, you’ll find several MF functions, with keys already listed.
Simply edit the keys to your choices, save and exit. You should do this, because there is the possibility, that some of the keys you need for character customization aren’t working anymore!
For further information check the FO4 Hotkey documentation: Commands for Popular Actions and List of Possible Keybinds
On Xbox
Installation is guided by the game menus, has no other mods that are required, and no DLCs are required. If the installation fails, or error messages about missing required files appear, continue trying to download until it succeeds. If textures appear purple/pink on everything, or items are invisible, please try a clean reinstallation first before coming to us to report it. Chances are, BethNet messed up the download.
To ensure this mod is functioning correctly, if possible, avoid other mods that edit the Leveled Lists and at THE VERY LEAST make sure MF is at the BOTTOM of your load order.
For a quick uninstall simply disable the plug-in, either in your game menu or mod manager.
For a full uninstallation (recommended for large updates) delete the plugin and any BSAs/BA2s/folders in Materials, Meshes, Scripts, Textures, and Sound
named SHEEP
PC Mod Manager/Manual Install

We nearly always recommend a clean save procedure as follows:
- Remove all MF/MA items from your inventory. (Containers, NPCs, etc do not matter. Only YOUR character inventory matters)
- Save and exit. (Make an actual save, not a quick/exit save)
- Fully uninstall the mod (also check for loose files/SHEEP folders in Materials, Meshes, Textures, and Sounds)
- Load your game (ignoring warnings about missing content)
- Save it again (Make an actual save, not a quick/exit save)
PC/Xbox Bethesda.net
- Remove all MF items from your inventory. (Containers, NPCs, etc do not matter. Only YOUR character inventory matters)
- Save and exit. (Make an actual save, not a quick/exit save)
- Fully uninstall the mod from the BethNet mod menu. Do NOT
it. That does not remove the mod. You have to fullyDelete
it. - Load your game (ignoring warnings about missing content)
- Save it again (Make an actual save, not a quick/exit save)
Then and ONLY then, you may install the latest version. Note that you may have to wait for an in-game week for the spawns of the items to reset.
Modern Sidearms Mod
To lessen the pain of a clean save install/update, sell all of the MF items you can to the vending machine first, generating a nice little nest-egg of pre-war cash to buy parts/upgrade a new arsenal with after updating.
Leveled Lists: The items in this mod are, as mentioned, integrated into Leveled Lists.
Weapons are set to spawn starting immediately at Level 1. The weapons are fairly equally spread throughout the Leveled Lists in an attempt to not saturate the world with too many weapons. A message should appear in the top left corner of the screen mentioning “Modern Firearms were distributed across the Commonwealth” after character creation or exiting Vault 111, although the message may get lost in a sea of others if you have other mods installed that also pop a message. You will find weapons and armor on your (hopefully dead) enemies and at vendors.
Upgrading weapons: You can also craft a vending machine at the settlement workshops under the crafting section. The vending machine will sell you parts for customization (for pre-war cash), the unique ammo types for the guns, and allow you to trade in a weapon to make a ‘unique’ weapon for the player.
[MF Custom] weapons: This ‘trade-in for “uniques”‘ feature mentioned above is necessary for the scripts to function correctly whilst carrying more than one of any particular type of weapon. If, for example, you have 2 AR15’s in your inventory, the scripts will not function for those weapons unless one has been made an [MF Custom]. If you have only one AK762 in your inventory at the same time as 2 normal AR15’s, then that AK762 will still work as expected with the scripts. This is a game engine limitation and as such, there is nothing that we can do about it. Note that you cannot have 2 MF Custom weapons of the same type either, or the game will run into the same issue.
Rebuild arsenal after Clean Save/Can’t find weapon(s) you want?: As of 2.6.2 and above, there is now a Mod Configuration Menu, or if you do not have F4SE or are on Xbox, there is a Settings Holotape craftable at the Chem Station under a new category called Modern Firearms. Through those, you can access a “Debug Container” (NOT accessible through console commands, only through MCM/Settings Holotape) where you can grab every weapon in the mod, including MF Custom variants, 200 of each MF crafting part and vanilla crafting materials, and all of the ammo that MF adds, along with the vanilla ammo that some weapons utilize. NOTE: This “Debug Container” does not contain armor if Modern Armors is installed. MA is extremely WIP. It will be some time before MA is brought up to standard due to a lack of people who are skilled with armor modding on the Dev Team.
Fallout 4 Modern Sidearms Pc
Scripted Functions
At the moment we support toggling the following functions using scripts:
- Semi/Burst/Full-Auto fire modes
- Weapon optic zoom/magnifier/night vision toggling
- Ammo type switching (AP/HP/FMJ, etc, etc)
- Underbarrel weapon/Main weapon selection, and Bipod deployed/folded (note that bipods being deployed will slow your movement by 90% to simulate being prone or crouched and mounted on a surface)
- Laser Light Module on/off
- Suppressor attach/detach
- Stock extend/collapse
Idlesheep Modern Sidearms
- You need all the necessary components on your weapon for the scripts to function – an M203 won’t just magically appear unless you built/attached one to the weapon.
- Burst fire, stock toggles, and ammo type switching are on PC only, as of the current mod versions on PC and Xbox. Xbox will receive these functions Soon™ when we release 2.6.x to the platform. No solid ETA.
- Bipod toggling is tied into the Underbarrel toggle function.
- Upon switching to an Underbarrel Grenade Launcher/Underbarrel Masterkey Shotgun, an ammo selection screen will appear. This is intentional. Previous ammo types are not saved for UBWs when you switch back to the main weapon. This an engine quirk. It cannot be helped.
Scripting and Xbox
There are aid items (reusable) found at the chem workbench to mimic the function of the script hotkeys on PC.
Please note that the instructions for their usage in-game are the same as for PC, you will need all the items you want to switch attached to your gun, and either only one of that weapon family in your inventory or an MF Custom variant of that weapon available by way of trade-in at the vending machine.
Fallout 4 Modern Sidearms Download 1
Put the aid items (switch functions) you want in your favourites and enjoy a whole new feel to combat.
Fallout 4 Modern Weapons
We get the same questions again and again from people who have not read the answers we’ve ALREADY GIVEN. That’s kinda frustrating, and leads to us -well, you know- ignoring you.