As way of background I am the author of Expanded Galaxy Mod, a SP mod that allows customisation of the Normandy, new weapons, armors and lots of RPG style improvements.
The Mass Effect trilogy is an emotionally charged science fiction adventure set in a vast universe filled with danger. Dragon Age II Dragon Age 2 thrusts players into the role of Hawke, a refugee who survives the destruction of his homeland and becom.
ME3 Expanded Galaxy Mod. A comprehensive PC-only mod that provides a more immersive and complete experience for ME3's single player campaign. Back to ME3 MODS EGM ALOT & More - Palaven Mass Effect 3 - Duration: 15:51. Renwicke47 2,194 views. Mass Effect 2 & 3: Best of Renegade Lines and Funny Moments - Duration: 1:06:25. Even after reinstalling the DLCs 3 times over. Even after trying to force spawn them via console. Even after the mission Priority: The Citadel II. These specific weapons are nowhere to be found. And I have identified another person on the EGM mod page who has had the same issue with these particular weapons. Much appreciated. Aug 04, 2020 The Expanded Galaxy Mod is designed to improve and expand on Mass Effect 3, to give players the ability to create a more custom experience and improve the immersive atmosphere of being small but vital part of a huge war. Some of the hundreds of modifications, restorations and additions: Additional Weapons and Armor.

Egm Mass Effect 3 Aria Blue Suns
A couple of players are very keen for me to create a patch to allow then to use a controller and I wanted some advice on how to do this.
There are going to be quite a few conflicts: EGM mods a lot of the Normandy so there are many GUI aspects like galaxy map, war asset terminal, mail terminal. EGM also has slightly customised GUI elements.
I see you have created an GUI injector which could be incredibly useful in swapping in compatible parts.
Egm Mass Effect 3
So what would be the best way to go about creating a patch?

The SP controller mod - it overwrites all changes to tlks? Or just the particular buttons it uses?