Peter Griffin Text To Speech Voice

Simple text to speech command line program

Characters by Voice. These are characters and users that are voiced by the VoiceForge American text-to-speech voice Dallas. Peter Griffin; S Sean Campbell. He is an off-screen character who narrates these videos in a text-to-speech voice. In Timotainment’s video, ”Top 100 facts (part 1)”, the narrator is canonically depicted as a member of the Long Boy species.

This is a very simple Microsoft Windows script to convert text to speech. If uses the windows scripting host and the Microsoft Text to Speech Engine. The Text to Speech Engine is installed with Windows XP and later versions.

For Linux or CYGWIN installations, there is a script file ( which provides everything here but supports many speech engines and languages. Run --help to get information on it. Note that under Linux the Microsoft speech engine will not work, another speech engine must be installed.

Peter Griffin Voice Converter

The text can be keyed in or read from a text file. The sound can be output to the computer sound system or sent to a wave file. Text is read from standard input or can be read from a file using a redirect, for example, to read aloud a text file:
cscript 'C:Program FilesJampalptts.vbs' < war-and-peace.txt

To create a wav file from the text file (e.g create an audio book ;) ):
cscript 'C:Program FilesJampalptts.vbs' -w war-and-peace.wav < war-and-peace.txt

Adjust the speech and voice defaults using the speech control panel option.


If you are running 64-bit windows you may only see 64-bit voices. If you have 32-bit voices you can access them by running
c:windowssyswow64cscript 'C:Program FilesJampalptts.vbs'


Typing the command
cscript 'C:Program FilesJampalptts.vbs' -h
will list out the available options.

Peter Griffin Text

Usage: cscript 'C:Program FilesJampalptts.vbs' [options]

Peter Griffin Voice Lines

Option Explanation
-w filename Create a wave file instead of outputting sound. Wave file will be CD quality, 44100 samples per second, 16 bit, stereo unless changed by a -s or -c option.
-m filename Create multiple wave files, a new wave file after each empty input line. This appends nnnnn.wav to the filename.
-r rate Speech rate -10 to +10, default is 0.
-v volume Volume as a percentage, default is 100.
-s samples Samples per sec for wav file, default is 44100. Options are 8000, 16000, 22050, 44100, 48000.
-c channels Channels (1 or 2) for wav file, default is 2.
-u filename Read text from file instead from stdin. This can be either Unicode file, ANSI or default encoding. Specify encoding using the -e option.
-e encoding File encoding for the -u option. Options are ASCII, UTF-16LE. Default is the windows encoding for your system.
-voice xxxx Voice to be used.
-vl List voices.