Intlab Matlab For Mac

Start MATLAB on macOS Platforms

Choose one of these ways to start MATLAB®.

Fortunately, you have a number of methods at your disposal. Here are the three most common ways of getting MATLAB: Get the trial version. Obtain a student version of the product. In most cases, you need to download the copy of MATLAB or the MATLAB installer onto your system after you fill out the required information to get it. Double-click the MATLAB icon in the matlabroot folder. Replace matlabroot with the name of the folder in which you installed MATLAB. The startup folder is the last working folder from the previous MATLAB session or the custom path specified in the Initial working folder preference described in General Preferences. Start from Terminal Window.

When you start MATLAB, it automatically adds the userpath folder to the search path. MATLAB also reopens any desktop components that were open when you last shut down.

To customize startup, see Specify Startup Options.

The MATLAB startup folder is the folder you are in when you get the MATLAB prompt. To change the default startup folder, see MATLAB Startup Folder.

If MATLAB fails to start due to a problem with required system components such as Java® software, then diagnostics run automatically. The software advises you of the problem and offers suggestions to correct it. For information about other startup problems, see MATLAB Installation, Activation & Startup Help.

Start from Applications Folder

  • Double-click the MATLAB icon in the matlabroot folder. Replace matlabroot with the name of the folder in which you installed MATLAB.

The startup folder is the last working folder from the previous MATLAB session or the custom path specified in the Initial working folder preference described in General Preferences.

Start from Terminal Window

Intlab Matlab For Mac Operating System

  • To start from the Terminal window, you need to know the value of matlabroot, the full path to the folder where MATLAB is installed. If you do not know the path, then open MATLAB from the Applications folder, type matlabroot, and note the value. Exit MATLAB.

  • Open a Terminal window.

  • Navigate to the following location from your terminal window:

  • Start MATLAB.

The startup folder is the MATLAB installation folder.

See Also

matlab (macOS) | matlabroot | userpath

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